Conventions & Conferences

For Conventions, Conferences and Corporate Communications

Portland Event Photography brings to the table, 10 years of photographing all sizes of conventions and conferences.   Photography is more than just documenting the event.  Photography is about communicating  the show’s success  by capturing the human experience around the brand.  Its the human experience around the brand that builds brand value.  This is why our photography is first and foremost for Social Media and Corporate Communications.

Secondarily, we document the event in detail from top to bottom.  Here’s why – on the client’s side, putting together a show is a multi-disciplinary team effort.  Photography for that show has to address all these stake holders interests.  With 10 years of experience in corporate events, Portland Event Photography will plan out the photography for each team based on their organizational role.  We actively work with each team, as an integral team member, highly responsive to last minute requests. Its this close-knit team-work that we excel at – being part of your team.

Here are the highlights of O’Reilly Media’s OSCON Conference at the Oregon Convention Center.  This is THE show for in-depth development and news in the Open Source World.