Event Photography Services for Corporate And Social Events.

Professional event photography of client events is a dedicated, focused approach job of  capturing the event for many departments within the client’s firm.  We regularly shoot for multiple clients on every job – the marketing team, the social media team, the event production team, the expo sales team, and more.   Having a dedicated professional with the proper gear is a couple orders of magnitude greater that what can be achieved by staff members or attendees with cameras.  Staff and attendees get distracted while participating in the event while the dedicated professional keeps moving.

Having the right gear on hand is only a third of the equation.  The photographer is focused on the objectives, applying years of experience to know where to be and what works in compositions.  Every frame, the professional asks “who am I shooting for on this frame?”  That’s an important question – knowing what each of the aforementioned clients requires in images.

Experience, know-how and having the right gear on hand are the elements that make up a professional photographer. The photographer as an individual, combines these elements to plan, see, compose and execute frames for the client’s goals.

Environmental Portraiture

Environmental Portraiture

Environmental Portraiture We place you in your surrounding world to communicate who you are in your world. Click on an image to see larger versions with navigation to the left and right.

Green Festival

Green Festival

Presenting the Green Festival 2015 Expo in Portland, December 11th - 13th Click on an image to see larger versions with navigation to the left and right.